“Just Say NO!” to New Year Resolutions!!!

Well, Happy New Year to you!

It’s that time again, when we all begin our journey into a new year, with new plans, new “resolutions”, and revised hopes and dreams.  Over the past several days, I have heard more people than I can count say “This is the year. for …(fill in the blank)”.

They beam as they tell me what they are going to accomplish this year through their “resolutions”.  I’m excited for them, but can’t help wondering – did they have the same resolutions last year?  Or, the year before?   And then of course, with some of them, I KNOW they had the same resolutions last year.

Now, those who “know I know” this usually follow up their resolution announcement by saying, “I know I said that last year, but this year is going to be different because…(fill in the blank again)”.   They’re excited and pumped up and they do OK…for a week or two.  The really pumped ones do OK for a month or two…

Then there are others…

Often, when I ask them “HOW” they are going to achieve their resolutions, and what steps have they planned to take each day to achieve them, I find they have no idea what I’m talking about and many of them haven’t even given it much thought.

Now, how do you think that’s going to turn out?

Sad to say, but resolutions with no “how” and no “plan” are likely to fade away with the party hats or as soon as “the new” wears off of the “new year”.

That’s why, I have chosen in my life to JUST SAY NO TO NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS!!

Instead, I choose to live a lifestyle of creating new goals and new plans for myself.  This is a continual practice I have in my life and it does not require me to wait for a specific day each year to do it.  I can create goals and plans for myself any day, of any month, of any year.

I have short term goals and plans, which are usually achieved within the year and I have long term goals and plans, which are usually part of my two year or five year plan.

In my FREE video series on Secrets to Unleashing Success” I talk more about this and go over in detail how to set and develop your goals into specific action steps and achieve success.  If you are looking for tips on how to successfully fulfill your “resolutions” or set, keep, and achieve goals for yourself, then you can get that series HERE

So, my friends – I invite you to join me in my campaign to “Just Say NO!” to New Year Resolutions! And, choose to Say YES to living a life of goal setting, planning, and achieving.

I would love to hear your thoughts.  Leave me some comments below and let me know your thoughts on resolutions and goals.  I would love to hear what some of your goals are and what steps you have planned to achieve them.

And, as always – retweets are greatly appreciated!  🙂

Wishing you much success in 2010!

  1. Krista, your blog is fabulous! I am enjoying reading your posts especially this one. I love the no New Year’s resolutions. Who keeps them anyhow.

    Thanks for all your words of wisdom. You are a wonderful writer and have kept me captivated for a while.

  2. Brialliantly said Krista!! Setting goals without creating an action plan is like going on a cross country trip without a map (or in these days a GPS!)

    It’s no wonder that the majority of people create new years resolutions that are left quickly behind as soon as it becomes apparent that things are not going so well.

    You’re an amazing power of example to us all. In the very short time since you launched your blog you’ve done a phenomenal job of providing inspiring, thoughtful content, and your front page video is great!

    Keep up the good work, I look forward to meeting you at the top!!!

    Kathy J
    .-= Kathy Jodrey´s last blog ..Alternative Cancer Treatments – Have You Done Your Homework? =-.

  3. Definately Krista! Set Challenging goals and plan to achieve them. Resolutions I believe are weak and tend to be broken in a week. Ok sounds like Dr Suess, but it works 🙂

    I happened upon your blog while visiting Kimberly Castleberry. I just got here so I am going to take a look around.


    • Thanks for stopping by Jim. Hope you enjoyed your visit. 🙂

  4. Its really disheartening how many people set resolutions, believe they will fail them anyways, don’t stick too them, prove their prior belief correct, and eventually give up on themselves. As you pointed out having a plan is critical to success, and why so many are not really prepared for the “marathon” that success is. Approaching long term things as a sprint will get us in trouble. Thanks for this reminder.
    .-= Kimberly Castleberry´s last blog ..January 1st 2010 – Happy New Years! – New Blog Launch! =-.

    • @Kimberly Castleberry, Hey Kimberly. I like the way you referred to success as a marathon. That is right on target. So many people view it as a sprint and miss the great things the marathon experience has to offer them.

  5. Krista,
    I couldn’t agree with you more. I’m always amazed that when I go to the gym right after the New Year there are so many new faces. Yet, in a few weeks or maybe a month they’re no longer around and the gym is filled with the same familiar faces.

    The approaching of a New Year is always a great time to reflect and think about what’s next. Like you, resolutions make no sense to me. I prefer to set goals in many areas of my life and they also encompass both short and long term goals. Once down on paper I can then think and plan on how this can be achieved. I’m reminded of an old saying I’ve heard often, “people don’t plan to fail, they fail to plan”.

    Thanks for your post. I look forward to seeing what lies ahead.

    • Don
      What’s a gym?? LOL. (Kidding, of course).

      I know exactly what you are talking about….writing down our goals seems to establish them. When they are established, the importance of achieving them becomes more real to us – and this reality drives our behavior to action, thereby leading to success.

      Now….I must go revise my time-line on when to start going to the gym…February looks good. 🙂

  6. I know you are moving ahead with resolution! Your site is looking so comfy, looks good I can’t wait for more!

    • @Robin Lynn Brooks, Hey! Thanks Robin. I’m working on some more content. Just want to share value with the community here. Happy New Year too you!!!

      Keep Rockin’ it!

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