New Years Day and “Old Wives Tales”

It’s New Years Day and I always think about my Grandma Abbott on New Years because she had all these “old wives tales” that she talked about all the time.  Which honestly was this endless list of things you “should do” for a good year and things you “should not do” if you want to avoid “bad luck”.

My grandma was a little superstitious to say the least.

I always thought it was a little funny that she said “Only do on NY day what you want to be doing for the rest of the year.” Now I don’t “buy-in” to all that jazz, but I will say that as I move about my day today, I am liking how it is shaping up as I think about grandma and her superstitions.

So, in honor of grandma, today I have done several things I wouldn’t mind doing throughout the year…and I will continue into the night doing these “happy things” to close out this day. Here are just a few of the items I did today that I wouldn’t mind making my “all year long” items.

1. Waking up naturally (no alarms, no agenda).

2. Prayer and time with my Heavenly Father, journaling, then studying prophetic words (prior and current).

3. Getting ready for my next road trip (travel tomorrow).

4. Talking to friends on the phone, laughing, making plans for fun, and discussing the blessings and awesomeness of God. And receiving an awesome word of encouragement and spoken blessing from my best guy friend on the planet.

5. Celebrating the official launch of a book I helped publish this year, and anticipating the publishing of another one I helped write/edit in the next 90 days.

6. Planning my next travel adventure with my mom. We are gonna make a cross country trek and have some road time and girl bonding … making memories on Route 66 and exploring cities between the Atlantic and the Pacific.  It’s another perk of the “laptop lifestyle”.

7. Got booked for another “money making gig”.  Woo-Hoo!!!

8. Finalizing some processes and procedures for the InLight writing team. We are getting things all organized and ready for acceleration in publishing for the New Year and making sure we have things ready for the new team members coming on board.  It’s gonna be awesome.

9. Reviewing and enjoying the “accomplishments” of the last several months. It’s amazing how much “purpose driven” work has been completed in the last half of the year. Such a great feeling…to be doing what you were created to do and seeing the fruit of that labor.

10. Relaxing with a good book (or maybe a movie later).

All that and it is only 4 pm – oh and #11 would be writing this blog of course.  😉

I won’t tell you the things I did today that “broke traditions” and frankly would make grandma roll over in her grave. But, she’ll be okay, because she knows now that all those “wives tales” aren’t true anyway. (Love you grandma)

Cheers To 2016 … may the happiness and the productivity of this day follow us the whole year through. Woo-Hoo!!

Do you have any family traditions for New Years?  If so, tell me about them in the comments or share this post on your favorite social media platform with your family traditions.

Happy Days Ahead!!!
