How to Prioritize on Purpose

Reflections from the Recycled Dream Project

Today I had a deep moment.  An epiphany of purpose – specifically as it relates to “prioritizing on purpose”.

Over the past several months I have been doing some deep self reflection, really examining life as I have been living it.  I think it is important to do that from time to time – to just take some time to look at everything you have going on, everything you are doing, everything you are spending your time, your resources, and your energy on.  Then decide how much of all that stuff is really necessary…how much of it is a means to your desired end.

What I have found in my reflections these past few months is that the vast majority of what we as humans do is not really what we need to be doing…heck for most people, it’s not even what they want to be doing.  Why?

Perhaps someone in their life said something that influenced them in a direction opposite of what was in their heart…and they felt pressured to follow suit.  Maybe they were afraid they were going to miss out on something if they didn’t participate or pursue those things.   People have different reasons for doing what they do, and my purpose today is really not to delve into the psychological side of human nature, but to share some of the observations that help create an understanding that there is a need for change in our world.

So, while I was taking a walk today I decided to make a short video to share with you how I have been prioritizing on purpose and eliminating the unnecessary energy leaches from my life.

It’s short, take a few and watch it….

So What About Your Life and Your Priorities?

So many people spend so much time looking to please other people, trying to live up to the expectations of their family, their friends, their spouse, their kids, and even strangers.  Not to mention all of the pressures of society to keep up with the latest and the greatest of all the “stuff” in the world.  “Shiney Object Syndrome” is what it is called in my inner circle….it’s like a bunny with ADD.

I’ll be honest, I reached a point about a year ago that I said “enough is enough”.  Life is too short to be so focused on trying to achieve things that don’t matter in the end anyway.  This led me down a path of deep personal growth that really has reached its culmination in the past few months.  My priorities have completely shifted…and I have connected with a greater purpose.  The things that used to matter, don’t anymore.  It’s as if I have reconnected with the core of my being – reached the deepest parts of my heart and soul, and it has been in that place that I have been able to find peace and fullness of life as it was intended for us to live it.

I’ve talked to many people who feel the same way, but they just don’t know where to begin or how to get started figuring out what to weed out of life so they can get busy living it.

See, life is a vapor – here today and gone tomorrow.  It’s not always about making a difference.  I hear people say that all the time…that they want to “make a difference”.  Really?  Come on…I think it is deeper than that.  I think life is about making an impact.  See, making a difference is small, but making an impact, well that’s much larger and louder, and significant.  Impact has the ability to bring change about on a greater scale, and to a greater degree.

So, how do you do it?  How do you Prioritize on Purpose?

As I shared in the video above, it’s really simple, and only takes a few steps.


You gotta lay everything on the table – leaving nothing off limits.  Put it all out there and look at it.  Then step back and walk away for a little while to connect with your heart.   I do this through prayer and meditation, sometimes fasting.  You will know when you have connected with that place because everything becomes clear for you, and you KNOW what you need to do.


After you have connected with your heart seek to define what you feel in the form of a “purpose”.  In other words, answer the question:

“What on earth are you here for?”

When you find that thing, then go do it and cut everything out that is not aligned with that one thing.  Basically, if you are a violin player then don’t pick up the tuba – ya know what I mean!  Play your violin and be the best darn violin player in the world!  Do what you were created to do!!  No one can tell you that, no one can answer that question for you, but you


Once you have found what is in your heart, and you have your purpose all clear…go immediately back to the table (you know the one you laid everything in your life on)…and start clearing off the things that are not in alignment with that purpose.

This may mean that you have to cut away some things you really thought you wanted, you may feel a little sad, a little resistant – but trust me…do it.  If you really want to reach the fullness of your potential, and if you really want to have your dreams become a reality, then you must remove the things that are stealing energy and focus from those things you REALLY desire in life.


Look  at what is left on the table.  Return to your heart, refocus on your purpose, get it firm in your mind, then go back to the table and weed out some more stuff.  Trust me, there will likely be one or two things you left behind the first time.  It’s OK…it’s normal…just remove it now that you recognize it.

Repeat this process until you walk back to the table and everything on it is clearly and completely linked to your purpose and your destiny.  Now – don’t add anything else to the table unless it aligns.   If you want to achieve success…as defined in my last post, then you must do this and make sure that 100% of your focus and energy is on doing what is in your heart to do.

Recycled Dream Update

I’ve been doing this for the past six months – when I decided to embrace a Recycled Dream that resurfaced in my life.  (BTW-If you missed that post, then I encourage you to go back and watch the most honest and transparent video blog I have ever created.)

Even though I have been visiting my table and my heart consistently for six months, I am still finding stuff on the table that needs to go.  I just cut something else away yesterday.

You have to be willing to:  Let good things go, so better things can come.

You have to be willing to:  Prioritize based on YOUR purpose.

You have to be willing to: Ask yourself the tough questions.

Do you really want it?

Is it your goal or someone else’s?

Where did this goal originate?  Your heart, or from something you heard or saw from someone else?

Is continuing to pursue this going to benefit you or push you toward your ultimate dream, purpose, or vision?

If you can’t comfortably answer these questions and know the thing on the table is “in your heart”, then you must cut it my friend.

Succeed with Purpose. Succeed with Vision. Prioritize with Purpose.

Drop down below and share your thoughts in the comments box.  Let me know how you prioritize and align your actions and activities with your purpose.

Wishing you Success on Purpose!!

PS.  If you have not yet signed up for my Secrets to Unleashing Success video series, then I encourage you to do that!  It’s FREE and will help you identify your purpose and passion in life, so you can get busy living it!!  Just CLICK HERE and sign up now!!

  1. You always share with such a heart full of love. It’s exciting that your recycled dream is going well. Congratulations! I’ve been going through a process very similar to your ideas here about deciding on purpose. It can be a painful process – there are some people who are just a bit irritated with me over my decisions…decisions that are in alignment with my purpose but no longer serve their purpose.

    Your courage is an example that inspires me. Thank you.

  2. That is why I feel so blessed to know you. The most beautiful thing is clarity on an issue, a dream, a purpose, and a mission. I adore how you inspire vision and share practical lessons on achieving improved perspective.

    Without a test there is no testimony 🙂
    I believe you are impacting lives and sharing the good stuff!

  3. I am thrilled beyond words for you, Krista. I know are fully on purpose and focused on the amazing impact your work is and will make in the world! I agree with your distinction between making a difference and impact. Robin Sharma recently said that “leadership is no longer of image, but impact. It’s no longer about position, but passion. This is leadership 2.0” And you are a shining example of this leadership!

    Thank you for laying out such a powerful process for getting clear and really prioritizing our life in a way that is fully aligned with our purpose. I know I have some things on my table that could be cleared off!

    Keep shining your light, Krista!

  4. Hi Krista
    Prioritising on purpose. Yes. It is cool to understand that our business activities should be in line with our purpose. My goal is all about helping others. I find that fulfilling. If I make money at the end of that then fine. As long as what I contribute is helpful to others, then I believe I am in line with my purpose.
    I watched your video. It was inspiring. Identifying what is truly important to us enables us to have congruence in our lives and helps us to be fulfilled. Our potential is amazing. It is up to us to make the most of our lives.

    Thank you very much.

    Best wishes


  5. Laying everything in your live on the table and connect with God. Great way to strip-down to what you need. Finding out if they are important or not. Awesome.

  6. Hey Krista,

    Excellent article!

    I found myself nodding my head while reading it. Being that “yellow” is my highest color in the personality color chart, I have a tendency to do things to please others instead of doing it because it’s what I want to do.

    It is so important to re-asses what we are doing on a regular basis and is something that I am doing right now.

    Thanks for the great read!

    In Success,
    Howie Perks

  7. Hey Krista, Great Lesson on “Prioritize with Purpose!”

    This is one of the key factors which one MUST do in order to achieve success and reach their goals. Have a strong desire and a detailed focus and you are well on your way to living the life which you deserve.

  8. Excellent.

    I love this post and your video was straight to the heart!

    Thanks so much for sharing Krista.


  9. Krista, I am so grateful I found your blog — this is a beautiful site with amazing OPEN and HONEST content!

    You are a beautiful person Krista, and I think that we could all stand to be a little bit more like you.

    I am going home tonight, and Prioritizing on Purpose!! 🙂

    Thank you!!

  10. Hi Krista,


    Thanks for sharing your thoughts about the importance of priority setting. To often we find ourselves in a rut . . . trying to do what we think needs to be done without examining where . . . how . . . it fits in the grand scheme of things.

    Again, thanks for sharing your “Prioritize with Purpose” plan.

    Have a blessed day,

    • Markie Bella
    • 15 Nov

    Love it! Keep up the great work!

  11. Hi Krista,

    What a powerful post! This is really something that we should all do on a regular basis. Thank you for taking the time to share such a personal journey with us!

    I can really relate to the energy drains….I have loads of them!
    : ) This is such a clear, directed way to handle it! You are a true leader!

    Mentor Mama

  12. Thanks Krista,
    “Follow your heart”. We have one chance at this and I agree if it does feel right, help you and others then it is not right…and do not wait to make a change. The time is NOW!

    Enjoy you life,

  13. Hi Krista,
    Great post and right on the money! I think the biggest challenges people face are determining just what their purpose is and then, overcoming the financial hurdle once known. The second one of course, isn’t an issue for everyone however can be huge if their ‘calling’ doesn’t typically produce financial rewards soon enough to pay the bills.
    Thanks for the post!

  14. HI Krista,

    You certainly are layng it out on the table. I am sure when I delve deep inside I can find some more “stuff” to let go of. I did this sort of exercise many yeras ago. It lasted for 3 years! It all started with seeing my purpose vividly, a path I have kept on through thick and thin for the last 20 odd years.

    I would like to think everything has gone smoothly since, but it tkes constant vigilence and refocusing. For me the key to success is to make decisions based on your values and intuition, knowing that somehow the windy path you weave lands you exactly where you are meant to be! Basically, for me we ahve been taught everything backwards. I would rather be a goat than a sheep, and the path to success is a long windy one, rather than straight and narrow!

    At least that’s how it has been for me thus far.

    You will achieve everything your heart desires.Just keep going. Sorry if I sound condescending, I just maybe have a little more life experience being older and all.

  15. Krista, Powerful author who has tremendously moved me with such valuable tips…. “Enough is Enough”, I am honored to have met such great charisma. I wish they were many more like you. I will def spread the news to everyone I know.

    Thank You!

    Ruth M.

  16. Wholy Shift?! Krista, you’re nailing it with incredible accuracy. I’m proud of you for having the courage for going and flowing within and watching with awe, the Truth of the Matter reveal itSelf and the rest of the Bull Crap falling away on its own. Your Sword of Discernment and BS meter is the sharpest I’ve ever seen in YOU. 😉 Glow with da Flow…Love and Hugs, Kiddo!!!

  17. Love It! Keep Up the Good Work Krista!

    Enjoying the Powerful Lessons You have to Share here!

    Jeremy watson

  18. Aloha Krista, you absolute laid your inspiration in line with your spirit. You are sharing what is within and that is unstoppable because it does come from on high, who gives you a high insight to your purpose. I am amazed and feel this spiritual energy that only certain ones will appreciate and see it for what it is.

    We are all individual beings with different purposes but driven to the same source. Your message was a cry out not only for yourself but those who are wondering what the heck they are doing, is it for them or others. We all will find our path, through our spirit, it is stronger than our flesh. Glad I came by and thanks for sharing! God bless you! Lani 🙂

  19. Krista,
    Glad you’ve become clearer on your purpose and the direction you are choosing to go. When you are not aligned, when you listen to anything other than your heart, it just doesn’t work.

    I agree with Erica. Life does become simpler when you know exactly what you want to achieve.

    Val 🙂

  20. Krista,
    I have been focused on my purpose and my life’s goals for quite some time. I have eliminated many activities, phone calls, frivolous things I no longer care to do. But then there are relatives. I cannot abandon them, even when they think so differently from the way I do. Instead, I limit my contact with them. Friends I now choose wisely and carefully. Life becomes much simpler when you live on purpose.
    Thanks for sharing this valuable post.

  21. Aloha Krista,

    Wow, congratulations! I am so happy for you!

    There comes a time when our “calling” life starts to get “louder” and I totally agree with you in your post. When we can answer the question “why am I here?, what’s my purpose in life?”, the decisions in life become pretty simple. There’s almost no choice!

    I am so happy you have found your calling and that you are pursing your happiness. Thank you for having the courage to share with all of us!

    Much love & aloha,
    Kellie 🙂

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